With it being the New Year, everyone is taking the time to reflect and create new resolutions. I’ve seen lots of One Word posts or 19 for 2019 lists. While these may work for some people, I’m not sure they’re perfect for me. Maybe it’s because I constantly have to-do lists of small goals or tasks I would like to complete. Maybe it’s the yogi in me who likes to think in the form of intentions, short mantras that speak to me in the moment. They’re like One Word or phrases, but they could potentially change or evolve over the year. Here’s a blog post about using intentions vs. resolutions. It describes how an intention is in the form of a commitment rather than a resolution, which focuses on big or small changes.

Throughout the past few months, with changes personally and professionally, I did a lot of reflecting in general. How do I want to act and be seen in a new school environment? How can I learn what I need to in order to be the best teacher I can? How can I best use my free time? How can I best balance my personal and professional responsibilities?

Over the New Year, I saw this quote posted on Instagram:


This is what I’m going to follow each day of 2019. What do I want my story to be? I’m the author, and I’m in control of my story. If I don’t like where it’s headed, I can veer off course. If one chapter ends poorly, a new one will begin.

Here’s to a great 2019. Happy New Year everyone!