When I first saw the hashtag #nerdlution, I thought it was funny, but also a good idea to start thinking of resolutions as the year winds down.  This has been a big year for me personally going through some challenges and struggles, but I persevered and am stronger than ever.  I have taken time to rediscover my values and what makes me happy; I have rebuilt my self-confidence and make decisions for what I want without feeling pressured by someone else.  For the first time in a very long time, I’m truly smiling and laughing again.


My #nerdlution is to continue my progress and live in and enjoy the moment.  Sometimes, there are so many activities going on and deadlines to meet that we’re focused on what’s coming next and rushing to get there.  Rather than enjoying what I’m doing, whether it’s teaching, meeting friends for dinner, or watching a sporting event, my mind is sometimes elsewhere and I miss out.  I know I’ll get where I need to go, finish a task, and be okay if it doesn’t get done at that moment.  I want to enjoy cooking, my favorite tv show, or the book I’m reading.  I want to enjoy the small moments at school: a child’s accomplishments, hearing a story from a student, receiving a friendly wave in the hallway, or running around the classroom because everyone is raising their hand and asking for help.


During the month of November, I participated in 30 Days of Gratitude; each day I wrote down one thing I was grateful for in my life such as my family, things I enjoy doing, or nature.  Gratitude goes with Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, but should be practiced all year long.  Take a step back, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the moment.  I’ve tried to stop obsessing over all the little details, have confidence things will work out, and know it’s okay to take some me-time.  I’m a much happier person and enjoy all my activities and people I’m with.  I’m proud in how far I’ve come, and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!